How is Gummy Smile Botox Done?
Gummy smile botox is a procedure applied to the distance between the nose and the upper lip. First of all, our aim is to determine the points where the laughing muscle works more than normal and to reduce these hypertrophied muscles with botulinum toxin injection. Our patients who consider this procedure are examined by our physicians, and the procedure is performed according to their suitability.
For the procedure, first the distance between the nose and the upper lip is cleaned with special cleaners, then anesthetic cream is applied to prevent pain and pain in the area.
After the numbness occurs, the areas to be injected are determined and certain markings are made.
With the help of very fine-tipped needles called ghost needles, the required amount of botulinum toxin, namely botox, is injected under the skin.
The procedure ends in an average of 10 minutes and our patients continue their daily lives from where they left off.