Bad Breath Treatment
Bad breath, which is medically called “halitosis”; Infections in the mouth, use of tobacco products, consumed foods, dental caries, not paying enough attention to oral care reduce the quality of life of people and cause self-confidence problems. Being immune to one's own bad breath makes it difficult to detect bad breath. For this reason, the person may encounter reactions that attract his attention and reduce his self-confidence in the environments he enters. Bad breath can come from both the mouth and nose. Individuals who suspect bad breath should consult their dentists. In recent years, with the importance of personal care, the number of those who apply for bad breath treatment has increased dramatically. As Clinicas Estrella Clinic, we learn about the life and eating habits of our patients before proceeding with our halitosis treatments. Conducts extensive investigations to identify the causes of bad breath; We also examine the medical history of our patients. Thus, we can determine the specific halitosis treatment for the cause of bad breath and the health of our patient.