Digital Surgical Guide

The digital surgical guide, which increases the success of implant surgery by ensuring that the implants are placed at the right angle and in the most accurate position during implant surgery, reduces the amount of bleeding by eliminating the need for gingival removal. Before the digital surgical guide application, which reduces surgical trauma, 3D tomography is taken and detailed images of the jawbone of the patients are obtained. The parts with missing teeth are analyzed and the size, angle and position of the implant to be placed to complete the missing tooth are carefully adjusted. Implant design is prepared in a virtual environment and plastic templates are produced specifically for the patient. Plastic templates produced specifically for the patient are applied to the patient's mouth during surgery and the implants are placed precisely on the jawbone.

Estella Estetik | Digital Surgical Guide

What are the Benefits of Digital Surgery Guide?

The digital surgical guide, originally developed for neurosurgery, is also used in dentistry today. The digital surgical guide based on the principle of analyzing the detailed images obtained by the dentists about the mouth and jaw structure of the patients and removing the patient-specific templates makes implant surgery easier, more comfortable and successful than ever before. The most important benefits of digital surgical guides can be listed as follows:

*The biggest advantage of using a digital surgical guide is the precise and most accurate determination of the position of the implants to be placed in the jaw bones of the patients.

*As the anatomical structures are visualized, the preservation of the structures during the surgical operation is facilitated by the digital surgical guide. Comprehensive planning of the treatment before the operation ensures that the surgical risks are minimized.

*Computer-assisted implant surgery is also critical when three or more implants are to be placed on patients. The advantages of the digital surgical guide are tangibly felt, especially when there is concern about the structure and volume of the bones.

*Another advantage of the digital surgical guide is the reduction of the risk of swelling or bruising on the face of patients in conjunction with the pre-planning of the surgical procedure. After the implant surgery performed with this technology, which increases the comfort of the patient and the physician, the recovery time is shortened and the pain problem is reduced.

Clinicas Estrella A digital surgical guide system is used in clinical implant surgeries. Thus, patient-specific implant design can be made in the pre-surgical process, and implants can be placed in the right position at the most ideal angles during surgery. Thanks to the digital surgical guide system, which reduces tissue trauma and increases the success of treatment, the number of happy patients of the Clinicasestrella Clinic is increasing.


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Procedure Summary

Processing Time: 30 – 60 minutes
Anesthesia: Local Anesthesia – General Anesthesia
Duration of Hospitalization: 1 day
Time to Return to Work: 4 days

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